Whole wheat tortillas
2 cups flour (I haven't tried gluten free yet so let me know if you have)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cup olive oil
2/3 cup warm water
Combine ingredients to form a dough (by hand, mixer, or by foot)
Cover dough w/ plastic wrap or foil and let rest for 30 min.
Divide into 12 portions and roll each into a ball. Press into a flat circle using a tortilla press but since you don’t have one use a rolling pin and flour. Roll it until it’s 1/8 inch thick.
Mist a cast iron skillet with olive oil and heat the pan.
Cook until crisp on both sides, turning once. I stack them in a pyrex dish with a tea towel on top to keep them warm.
If you choose to freeze them they suggest putting parchment paper between each tortilla and will be good up to 6months.
I can't take credit for this recipe but I just wanted you to enjoy what my family has enjoyed!
Quinoa Pancakes Do the first part the night before you want to eat them or at least 6 hours before.
Place in blender and mix for 2 minutes:
1/2 cup buttermilk, rice milk, or any milk
2 tsp olive oil
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups of uncooked quinoa
After mixing leave the lid on and let it sit on the counter all night.
Top of the Morgan to Ya! Here's what you add to the blender:
1 egg
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
lil salt
Blend again until well mixed and add some milk if it stops spinning in the blender. Cook as usual.
Experimental gluten free crackers/biscuitsI didn't measure when I made mine but the basic idea is about 2 cups of cooked and cooled brown rice, then 1 1/2 cups of quinoa soaked for about 4 hours then blended, 1 egg, then 1/2 cup rice flour. Blend in the blender til well mixed. I added bits of seaweed flecks for flavor but this is where you get to choose want you want. I spread olive oil on a baking sheet with the oven set at 400. Then drop dollops on the sheet about 12/ sheet and flatten slightly with a measuring cup. Bake 10 minutes per side depending how crisp or soft you want them. We ate most of them in one night and the rest sat in the microwave all night and were really soft like a pancake the next day. I only made these once so don't get angry at me if they don't turn out to your liking!