Dear Friends and family,
I want you all to know that John and I have decided to finally take a leap of faith. We have put our house up for sale and will be selling most belongings to move to the great island of Kauai. I listened to a sermon about Jonah last week and it spoke about Jonah not obeying God until he was really really desprate. He was stuck at the bottom of the ocean tangled in seaweed when a fish came and swallowed him up. Well, that is where we are right now. This has been a rough year for us with the economy and so many of you have helped us out with groceries, diapers, money, and just prayer. We deeply appreciate all you have done! We don’t know where we will live or work but we know that we will be together and we know that in doing this we only have one place to turn for our everyday needs, to God. From the time that John and I fell in love we have wanted to do something adventrous with our lives and the more kids we had the tougher it seemed to break away. Our kids are great and they will love this adventure just like us. It will be sad for us to walk away from friends, a great church that we finally felt apart of, and we will miss spending time with family.
This is something that we need to do. I don’t know how long we will be gone either. We are going back to the basics of life and starting all over. John is so talented in his work and with people skills that we will just go to every farm and construction site until we find a job and we might even be staying in a studio. I’ve found two great Christian churches and a Bible college so we can get hooked up with some great families. If we can’t make it work then I pray that you would accept us back as if we never left. Once we get on our feet we would love to have you come and visit us.
Sincerely yours,
Shannan Morgan
How exciting. I will be praying for you guys. I hope it works out for you, but if it doesnt you will always be welcome back. We will be in Kauai from Aug 30- Sept 4.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting!! We will be praying, and you know Renae will be praying for Trent, cause he is the coolest :)
ReplyDeleteYou guys are going to do awesome! Maybe you should start your very own MOPS group :)
Many many hugs,
Martin family
Shannan, Your family will be in our prayers! I am excited for you and the kids as this new adventure is taking shape.
ReplyDeleteKeep us posted on specific prayer needs. Love you!